Registration for CIAC XV is now open!

Deadline & Fees*

Early Registration:  June 5th - July 15th

Conference Fee per Delegation: $50

Conference Fee per Delegate: $70 total


Regular Registration:  July 16th - August 31st

Conference Fee per Delegation: $50

Conference Fee per Delegate: $80 total


Late Registration:  September 1st - September 30th

Conference Fee per Delegation: $50 

Conference Fee per Delegate: $85 total


Big Red Rager Fees

This year CIAC will be hosting an event at Level B in Collegetown, which requires a fee which also includes entrance and two drinks (alcoholic or soft drinks). We will be giving out bands that will be required to enter the location for the social. There are different fees based on when you pay.

Fee per Delegate Upfront (with conference fees): $5

Fee per Delegate at CIAC XV: $10

Registration will only be completed after your deposit and all required information from your delegation has been received. The balance of your conference fees must be paid in full by Friday October 4, 2024. All fees paid through PayPal are subject to a 4% additional fee.

All checks are payable to Cornell International Affairs Society.

Please mail checks to:
407 College Ave
P.M.B 390
Ithaca, NY 14850

*All fees are subject to change.

If you have any questions or concerns or are interested in attending CIAC XV, please contact our Secretary-General, Kenny Fischer, at

If a delegation chooses to cancel its online registration and does not do so in a reasonably timely manner (at the discretion of the Secretary-General and the Director of Finance), it is still responsible for its non-refundable deposit.